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At BBO we realize there are several ways to tackle the issues of keeping the beaches beautiful and pollution free. At one end of the pollution problem, we can all do our best to reduce and reuse/recycle the plastics and trash in our lives.  At the other end of the problem… at the actual beach… we naturally always suggest you bring an eco-friendly beach tent like The Crescent but while you are there why not do a little beach cleaning? Or better yet why not join or organize a beach cleaning event?

Finding a beach cleaning event isn’t usually too hard with a quick search of social media often turning up some good results. But if you’re planning a trip somewhere or looking to find a larger event you might want to start at the Ocean Conservancy website.

The Ocean Conservancy website provides a wealth of information on the problem of marine debris, as well as tips on how to organize a successful cleanup.

The website also provides a map of upcoming beach cleanup events, so you can find one near you. If you’re interested in organizing your own cleanup, the website provides step-by-step instructions and resources to help you get started.

There are other benefits beyond cleaner beaches to why you would join a beach cleanup event.

  • You’ll help to remove trash and debris from the ocean and beaches.
  • You’ll learn about the problem of marine debris and how it affects marine life.
  • You’ll meet other people who are passionate about protecting the ocean.
  • You’ll have a fun and rewarding experience.

If you’re interested in getting involved in beach cleanups, I encourage you to visit the Ocean Conservancy website and learn more. You can also find more information on the Ocean Conservancy’s Facebook page and Twitter account.

Here are some additional tips for organizing your own successful beach cleanup:

  • Choose a date and time that works for a group of your friends to make it more fun for everyone and to make a bigger cleanup impact.
  • Choose a location that is accessible and has plenty of parking.
  • Recruit other volunteers on social media  to help with the cleanup.
  • Provide trash bags, gloves, and other supplies. Keep it safe.
  • Have a plan for disposing of the trash. You’ll likely collect bags and bags of trash so you need a step 2 of where that trash from the beach goes next.
  • Enjoy your day outdoors at the beach!

Thank you for your interest in helping to protect our oceans!

Photo by OCG Saving The Ocean on Unsplash



BBO Co-Founder

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